
A year ago today (17 April 2019), I had a Quadruple Heart By-pass operation.

A year later, thanks to Father God, the prayers and help of my beautuful and incredible Wife and Children and the support of amazing Friends, I am still alive and in excellent health.

So, to celebrate,  I drew myself a ‘Birthday Cake’.






7. Ship (T2) DSCF1374

This was another Inktober 2017 entry, drawn only because the subject was ‘Ships’ and I’m a ‘Tanker -Buff’ from wayback.

Ship’ (T2 Tanker)

Technical Details: Drawn using Unipin 0.3 nib black ink pen on white 80gsm A4 paper. Measurements: 7.5.0 in. x




Although the Inktober 2017 Challenge has passed, herewith another example of the work I submitted for that contest.

The theme for the day was ‘ Run’ which I interpreted as ‘Last Run’ It was based on
based on personal experience

Technical Details: Drawn using Unipin 0.3, 0.5 and 0.8 nib black ink pen on white 80gsm A4 paper. Measurements: 7.0 in. x 6.5 in.

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Inktober 2017: ‘Underwater’

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Inktober is an annual international fun challenge for whomever cares to participate. The Inktober organisers post a list of numbered daily ideas for ‘inspiration’ for each day of the month of October, and respondents are then invited to post one original pen and ink piece per day, based on that ‘inspiration’ , on their favourite pen and ink site.

It’s fun and quite challenging. Herewith another example that I I have submitted for Inktober 2017.

Inktober Challenge. ‘Underwater’.

‘Underwater’ (My interpretation of the word ‘Underwater’).

Technical Details: Unipin 0.8 nib black-ink pen on white 80gsm A4 paper.
Dimensions: 5 in. x 3.5 in.

Note: This scene frequently occurs in abandoned mines (in this instance a gold mine), where water gradually encroaches on the workings, and covers all that has been left behind, often to a considerable depth.. In the image, the rails of the railway along which the ore wagons used to run can be seen below water level, while the light from the viewer’s lamp reflects off the walls of the working and the water while also illuminating other parts of the mine visible in the distance.


Inktober 2017: ‘Underwater’

INKTOBER 2017: ‘Swift’.

Inktober is an annual international fun challenge for whomever cares to participate. The Inktober organisers post a list of numbered daily ideas for ‘inspiration’ for each day of the month of October, and respondents are then invited to post one original pen and ink piece per day, based on that ‘inspiration’ , on their favourite pen and ink site.

It’s fun and quite challenging, and I will be posting  some examples that I I have submitted for Inktober 2017

Inktober topic: ‘Swift’

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‘Swift’ (Aka ;Down in the weeds’ ).

(Supermarine Swift FR.5 of  79 SQN RAF on low-level, high-speed reconnaissance mission).

Technical Details: Drawn with Staedtler and 0.3 in black-in pens on white cartridge notebook paper of unknown weight.

Note: The image depicts my all-time favourite jet fighter aircraft (the Supermarine Swift) in its low-level Fighter-Reconnaissance (F.R.) tole at very low altitude while undertaking a photographic reconnaissance sortie . The title ‘Down in the weeds’ reflects the fact that these aircraft flew at very low altitudes (tree height or lower), while the enemy is way above (visible at top left) and, due to the Swift’s camouflage and speed, is unable to see what is going-on below.


INKTOBER 2017: ‘Swift’.

Pages from a Sketchbook: Te Kereru Mining & Investment Co. Ltd. Tramway. Locomotive No.3.

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Te Kereru Mining & Investment Co. Ltd.

Locomotive Shed

(The expired locomotive is visible to the left of the shed lean-to and alongside the outfall of battery water into the tailings dam).

(Copyright 2017)

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Te Kereru Mining & Investment Co. Ltd., Part of 50-stamp Battery.

(The ‘expired’ lcoomotive is visible to the right of the ‘Primary Ore Bins’ shed).

(Copyright 2017)

It has been a while since I have posted any of my sketches on this page, but as has been explained before, I use my sketchbooks as tools, to ‘test’ possibilities before either putting them into practice or abandoning them. What results are essentially ‘Proof of Concept’ drawings, on the basis of which decisions are made.What follows is the latest example of this:

Recently Te Kereru Mining and Investment Co. Ltd. ‘s locomotive No.3 expired. As it seemed a shame to send it to the scrapmetal dealer it needed to be placed somewhere ‘out of the way’, but where? Two locations suggested themselves (at the Locomotive shed and at the Battery) and to see if they were feasible, two drawings that apear above were made. A decision is pending…

Technical Details: Unipin black-ink pen (various nib sizes) on 110gsm white cartridge paper in sketchbook form.


Pages from a Sketchbook: Te Kereru Mining & Investment Co. Ltd. Tramway. Locomotive No.3.